Local Chapter News

Saturday, October 10, 2015 4:58 PM | NCSA Website Admin (Administrator)

Find out what happened last month and what's about to happen this month with the latest chapter news. 

October is typically the conclusion of the tax season (finally!!!), now its on to the education season and taking time for fa mily.  Don’t forget your chapter meetings as you start planning education and CE before year end, our chapters host speakers with great topics monthly.  Enjoy the cooler weather and fall activities, and remember that your organization is the place for networking and education to support your accounting career!


The Burlington Chapter met on Thursday September 24, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Kimbers Restaurant in Gibsonville.  Wehad no Speak er Prograthis month so we had fellowship and discussion.  President Jim Holmes gave us a handout on the Affordable Care Act Advanced P remium Credit and a Thomson Reuters Checkpoint handout on the Projected 2016 Inflation-Adjusted Tax Brackets and Other Key Figures.  He also gave us a report on the most recent meeting of the National Society of Accountants Federal Taxation Committee, of which he has been a member for several years.  Our next meeting will be onThursday, October 22, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Kimbers Restaurant in Gibsonville.  Lauren Benbow from the North Carolina Secretary of State office will be our Guest Speaker.  The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month . For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

Cape Fear

The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, September 21 at The Brass Lantern in Dunn.  Chapter Promotions Chair Marsha Wheeler and Board Member James Upton spoke on NCSA, Our Chapters and Membership. Those in attendance were pleased when Marsha broke out a platter of her fa- mous brownies; we know there is a secret ingredient but Marsha is not telling!  The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at  mparnett@embarqmail.com


The Central Chapter met on Monday, September 28th at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Asheboro.  NCSA and NSA Past President Paul Bumgarner, spoke on the ACA and Employers.  Next month will feature a presentation by NC Secretary of States Annual Reports Supervisor Keith West oMonday, October 26th.  Upcoming: Legislative Meeting at Pinewood CC inAsheboro with US Rep Renee Ellmers (R-NC 2)and other invited legislators. All NCSA members are welcome to attend, the cost is $25; please contact James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net for more information.  Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month.  For more information contact Kevin Robinson at  kevrob@triad.rr.com


The Charlotte Chapter met on Thursday, September 17th at Captains Cove in Matthews.  NSA Secretary-Treasurer Curt Lee was on hand to discuss the activities of the NCSA Legislative Committee, and the NSA Right to Practice Committee, both of which he has been a member for manyears.  The October meeting speaker will be announced.  The Charlotte Chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month.  For more information contact Louise Pistole at  pistole9@windstream.net


The Eastern Chapter met at H&R Block in Greenville. The meeting featured a presentation from Paul Bumgarner on ACA Mandates and Subsidies. The October meeting will be announced. The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month at H&R Block in Greenville.  For more information contact Karen Spruill at  karen.spruill@hrblock.com


The Hickory Chapter met on Monday, September 28th at OCharleys in Hickory.  Lauren Benbow ofthe NC Secretary of States office spokon Preventing Elder Fraud.  The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Monday of each month.  For more information contact Susan Dale Moore at susan@dalesaccounting.com


The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, September 24th at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Kernersville. NCSA Past President David Hooker  led a SSARS 21 Roundtable discussing the new standards effective in December.  Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month.  For more information contact Carol Smith at  clstaxes@bellsouth.net


The Raleigh Chapter met Tuesday, September 22nd at Manchesters in North Raleigh.  Lauren Benbow of the NC Secretary of States officspoke to the chapter on Preventing Elder Fraud.  Details of the next meeting will be announced. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  For more information contact Stephen Metelits at  metelits@usa.net


The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met on Thursday, September 24th at Hickory Tavern in Pinehurst.  Lauren Benbow ofthe NC Secretary oState’s office spoke to the chapter on Preventing Elder Fraud.  Thenext meeting will be on October 22nd at Bay Breeze in Sanford with NCSA Past Presi- dent Stephen Metelits speaking on the new Capitalization of Property and Repair Regulations.  For more information contact Ga ye Saunders at gaye@saundersaccounting.org


Western Chapter normally meets the 4th Tuesday of each month For more information contact Beth Evans at precisionacct@mindspring.com.


The Wilmington Chapter met on Monday, September 28th at McAllisters Deli in Wilmington.  Guido Van der Hoeven spoke on the new Capitalizatioand Repair Regulations.  Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information at  marie@johnizzocpa.com

We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members includ- ing photos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or call (336) 873-7690.

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