Local Chapter News

  • Thursday, July 16, 2015 11:12 AM | NCSA Local Chapter Admin (Administrator)

    6:00 PM Thursday, July 23, 2015

    Speaker: Ron Powell, NCSA President - "How to survive an IRS audit"

    Presentation of our new website for NCSA will be given by David Rollins - NCSA Website/Social Media Chairman

    2205 Midland Drive
    Pinehurst, NC 28374
    Open to the public
    Telephone: 910-295-4118 / 3240
    Email: contact-us@tableonthegreen.com

    Click on the map to get driving directions.

  • Tuesday, July 07, 2015 9:30 AM | NCSA Website Manager (Administrator)

    Chapter News

    NCSA has just welcomed a new President and is beginning a new year. Our chapters have also elected officers and will be holding installation ceremonies this month. If you feel out of the loop and would like to know more about what is going on in your chapter why don’t you take a moment to get active and see what is going on in your chapter. For now you can read the latest happenings here in The Accountant.


    The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

    Cape Fear

    The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, June 22nd at Sammio’s in Fayetteville.  James Upton was on hand to speak on Form 9465 and Installment Payment Agreements. The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at mparnett@embarqmail.com


    The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on Monday, June 22ndat Sagebrush Steakhouse in Asheboro.  Gray Cassell of the City of Kernersville spoke on IT Security and Data Breaches.  Next month the chapter meeting will be a double header with NCSA Past President David Rollins speaking on NCSA’s Website and Chapter Promotions Chair Marsha Wheeler speaking on ways to better promote our chapter. The Central Chapter is also proud of Kevin Robinson newly elected to the NCSA Board. Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month.  For more information contact Kevin Robinson at kevrob@triad.rr.com


    The Charlotte Chapter met on Thursday, June 25th at Captains Cove (was Captains Galley) in Matthews.  The chapter welcomed NCSA President Ron Powell as he spoke on Surviving an IRS Audit.  The Charlotte Chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month.  For more information contact Louise Pistole at pistole9@windstream.net


    The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month at H&R Block in Greenville.  For more information contact Ronald Powell at ron@powellaccounting.com


    The Hickory Chapter met on Monday, June 29th at O’Charley’s in Hickory.  James Upton was on hand to speak on Form 9465 and Installment Payment Agreements. Upcoming: Hickory Chapter Cookout, details to be announced.  The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Monday of each month.  For more information contact Susan Dale Moore at susan@dalesaccounting.com


    The Piedmont Chapter did not meet in June due to scheduling conflicts with the annual convention and vacations. The next meeting will be on July 30th at Sagebrush in Kernersville.  Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month.  For more information contact Carol Smith at clstaxes@bellsouth.net


    The Raleigh Chapter did not meet in June.  The chapter did announce the following newly elected officers: Stephen Metelits-President, Dawn Hull-Vice President, Pam Lowrie-Secretary, and Robert Pia-Treasurer. The chapter also is proud of Paula Brown newly elected to the NCSA Board. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  For more information contact Stephen Metelits at metelits@usa.net


    The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met on Thursday, June 25th at Table on the Green in Pinehurst.  The meeting consisted of an election of officers.  For more information contact Mark Bouchier at mbouchier@mabaccounting.net


    The Western Chapter did not meet in June.  The next meeting will be on July 28th and include an installation of officers and a Form 1040 Schedule A presentation by NCSA President Ron Powell.  For more information contact John McKinney at johnm@accuraaccounting.com.


    The Wilmington Chapter met on Monday, June 22nd with eight in attendance to hear Chapter President Marie Izzo complete part II of Bookkeeping Essentials - The Things Accountants need to teach their clients.  The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 27th with NCSA President Ron Powell installing officers and speaking on Surviving an IRS Audit.  The Wilmington Chapter is also proud of Susan Corliss-Bland newly elected to the NCSA Board.  Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information at marie@johnizzocpa.com

    We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members including photos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or call (336) 873-7690.

  • Monday, June 08, 2015 12:27 PM | NCSA Website Manager (Administrator)

    Chapter News

    As another NCSA year comes to a close, your chapters are electing new officers and will be conducting installations soon. What are you doing to spread the word about your society? When you attend CPE classes or other events do you share your positive experiences with NCSA? Do you take time to attend your chapter meeting? If not, why not start now; our chapters are the roots of the society and where the most interaction among members takes place. Read on to see what our chapters have been doing recently.


    The Burlington Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Kimbers in Gibsonville. Seven chapter members and two guests were present for a roundtable discussion led by chapter president James L. Holmes. Items discussed included the recent IRS Data Breach in the Get Transcript application. The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

    Cape Fear

    The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, May 18th at The Brass Lantern in Dunn with 19 in attendance. NCSA’s NSA State Director Curt Lee discussed our right to practice as Accountants in North Carolina. The chapter will meet next on June 22nd in Fayetteville with James Upton as the speaker. The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at mparnett@embarqmail.com


    The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on Monday, May 18th at Sagebrush Steakhouse with 18 in attendance. The meeting topic was part 2 of Technology for Today’s Accountant led by NCSA President Elect Ron Powell. The next meeting will be on June 22, 2015 with topic and speak-er to be announced. Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month. For more information contact Kevin Robinson atkevrob@triad.rr.com


    The Charlotte Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Captains Galley in Matthews. The chapter welcomed IRS Tax Specialist Evette Davis who presented some IRS General Tax Updates, including Identity Theft, Offers in Compromise, and Employment Tax issues. The Charlotte Chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information contact Louise Pistole atpistole9@windstream.net


    The Eastern Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at H & R Block in Greenville. NCSA President Elect Ron Powell presented Part II of Technology for Today’s Accountant. The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month. For more information contact Ronald Powell at ron@powellaccounting.com


    The Hickory Chapter met on Wednesday, May 27th at Abingdon Glen Village Clubhouse in Hickory. The speaker for this meeting was NSA and NCSA Past President Paul Bumgarner who led a presentation on How ACA affects Employers. The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Mon-day of each month. For more information contact Susan Dale Moore atsusan@dalesaccounting.com


    The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th for their annual Scholarship Fundraiser and Picnic at Fourth of July Park in Kernersville. NCSA President Elect Ron Powell was on hand to install new officers. The next meeting will be on June 25th at Sagebrush in Kernersville. Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month. For more information contact Carol Smith at clstaxes@bellsouth.net


    The Raleigh Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at Manchesters on Leesville Rd in North Raleigh. NCSA Past President and Raleigh Chapter President Stephen Metelits, spoke on Tangible Property Regulations for Small Business to the 12 in attendance. The next meeting will be on July 28th with topic to be announced. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. For more information contact Stephen Metelits at metelits@usa.net


    The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Table on the Green in Pinehurst. James Upton spoke on Installment Payment Greements and Form 9465 to the seven members in attendance. The next meeting will be announced. For more information contact Mark Bouchier at mbouchier@mabaccounting.net


    The Western Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at the Gondolier Italian Restaurant. NCSA Past President J. R. Lawson spoke on Business Valuation and Dispositions. The next meeting will be on July 28th and include an installation of officers and a Form 1040-Schedule A presentation. For more information contact John McKinney at johnm@accuraaccounting.com.


    The Wilmington Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at McAlister’s Deli with chapter President Marie Izzo speaking on Bookkeeping Essen-tials-Part I to the ten in attendance. The next meeting will be Monday, June 22nd when Marie Izzo will share part II of Bookkeeping Essentials-The Things Accountants need to teach their clients. Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information atmarie@johnizzocpa.com

    We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members including pho-tos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or call (336) 873-7690.

  • Monday, May 11, 2015 1:08 PM | NCSA Website Manager (Administrator)

    Our chapters are getting back to normal after tax season. Convention is just around the corner, and with that brings changes in leadership at our chapters. Are YOU willing to serve NCSA? It all starts in your local chapter, faithfully attending meetings, being willing to serve in a line office position in your chapter, or representing your chapter on the NCSA Board of Directors. As we look toward a new year of NCSA what can you do to serve your chapter and your society. You can start by supporting your local chapter; read on to see what’s been going on around our state.


    The Burlington Chapter met on Thursday, April 23rd at Kimbers in Gibsonville. Nine chapter members and three guests were present for a Tax Season Recap roundtable meeting The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

    Cape Fear

    The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, April 20th at The Brass Lantern in Dunn. Speaker Mark Reynolds gave an informative presentation on Data Security. The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at mparnett@embarqmail.com


    The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on Monday, April 27th at Sagebrush Steakhouse. The meeting topic was part 1 of Technology for Today’s Accountant led by NCSA President Elect Ron Powell. Next month we will conclude with part II on Monday, May 18th. Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month. For more information contact Kevin Robinson at kevrob@triad.rr.com


    The Charlotte Chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information contact Louise Pistole at pistole9@windstream.net


    The Eastern Chapter met on Tuesday, April 28th at McAlister’s Deli in Greenville. NCSA President Elect Ron Powell presented Part I of Technology for Today’s Accountant. The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month. For more information contact Ronald Powell at ron@powellaccounting.com


    The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Monday of each month. For more information contact Susan Dale Moore at susan@dalesaccounting.com


    The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, April 30th at Sagebrush in Kernersville. Members shared Tax Season Horror Stories and welcomed NCSA President Elect Ron Powell as their special guest. Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month. For more information contact Carol Smith at clstaxes@bellsouth.net


    The Raleigh Chapter met on Tuesday, April 28th at Manchesters on Leesville Rd in North Raleigh. The chapter leaders led a roundtable discussion of the members and guests tax season issues. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. For more information contact Stephen Metelits at metelits@usa.net


    The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met for a roundtable discussion on Thursday, April 30th at Table on the Green in Pinehurst. For more information contact Mark Bouchier at mbouchier@mabaccounting.net


    The Western Chapter met on Tuesday, April 28th at the Gondolier Italian Restaurant. The meeting was a roundtable tax season discussion. Next month NCSA Past President J. R. Lawson will speak on Business Valuations and Dispositions. For more information contact John McKinney at johnm@accuraaccounting.com.


    The Wilmington Chapter met on Monday, April 27th at McAlister’s Deli with Susan Corliss Bland speaking on Assessing a New Client’s QuickBooks file. The chapter also celebrated the end of tax season by distributing “Tax Season Survivor Kits”.

    See below for a photo of some of the members with their kits! The next meeting will be Thursday May 28th (earlier due to Memorial Day). Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information at marie@johnizzocpa.com

    We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members including photos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or call (336) 873-7690.

  • Monday, April 27, 2015 1:05 PM | NCSA Website Manager (Administrator)

    Chapter News

    What a tax season it has been! 1095 forms and their corrections, Repair Regulations, 3115’s and winter storms made this one of the most challenging tax seasons in memory. Aren’t you glad that you are a member of NCSA and had a network of colleagues to support you this tax season? It is time to focus on getting back to business as usual, after some needed rest and relaxation. NCSA chapters took a hiatus in February due to the weather except The Central Chapter, kudos to you for getting a meeting in. March activities were back on track and you can read on to see what has been going on at our local chapters.


    The Burlington Chapter met on Thursday, March 26th at Kimbers in Gibsonville IRS Senior Stakeholder Liaison Eugenia P. Tabon spoke on Identity Theft, a timely topic The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

    Cape Fear

    The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, March 16th at Sammio’s Italian in Fayetteville. NCSA Past President Bill Fischer spoke on the new NC flat tax and other NC Tax Changes. The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at mparnett@embarqmail.com


    The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on Monday, March 23rd at Sagebrush Steakhouse. The meeting was a lively roundtable discussion, and included discussion of ACA issues, preparers who depreciate land, and the proper reporting of timber sales, 1099-Q ESA’s and Coverdell’s. The upcoming meeting in April will be part 1 of Technology for Today’s Accountant led by NCSA President Elect Ron Powell. Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month. For more information contact Kevin Robinson at kevrob@triad.rr.com


    The Charlotte Chapter met on Thursday, March 26th at their normal meeting place, Captain’s Galley on Independence Blvd (US Hwy 74) in Matthews. NCSA Past President Paul Bumgarner led the discussion on ACA and the new Repair and Capitalization Regulations. For more information contact Louise Pistole at pistole9@windstream.net


    The Eastern Chapter members are busy with tax season but will meet again on Tuesday, April 28th at Parker’s BBQ in Greenville. The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month. For more information contact Ronald Powell at ron@powellaccounting.com


    The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Monday of each month. For more information contact Susan Dale Moore at susan@dalesaccounting.com


    The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, March 26th at Sagebrush in Kernersville. The meeting was a tax season roundtable discussion. Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month. For more information contact Carol Smith at clstaxes@bellsouth.net


    The Raleigh Chapter met on Tuesday, March 24th at Manchesters on Leesville Rd in North Raleigh. The chapter leaders led a roundtable discussion of the members and guests tax season issues. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. For more information contact Stephen Metelits at metelits@usa.net


    The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter cancelled their January meeting and will not meet again until May. Happy Tax Season to our members. For more information contact Mark Bouchier at mbouchier@mabaccounting.net


    The Western Chapter members are busy with tax season and decided to meet again on Tuesday, April 28th with the location and topic to be determined. For more information contact John McKinney at johnm@accuraaccounting.com.


    The Wilmington Chapter members are busy with tax season and will not meet again until April. Please check your email inbox for information or email Marie Izzo or Louise Pistole for updates. Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information at marie@johnizzocpa.com

    We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members including photos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or call (336) 873-7690.

  • Tuesday, December 02, 2014 1:01 PM | NCSA Website Manager (Administrator)

    Enjoy the cold month of December and all of your holiday gatherings and of course those last tax update classes. We all are experts on the Affordable Care Act by now, right?!?! Hopefully this year Santa will bring you a head full of knowledge to help you through this next tax season!  All jokes aside, NCSA members are some of the best folks around; please remember this season to be thankful for your colleagues and for their counsel. If someone has been supportive and helpful to you this year, drop them a card in the mail or pick up the phone and say thanks.  Sometimes the best gift is just a simple word of kindness.  If you have not connected with your NCSA chapter lately it is not too late, read on to see what festivities are in store at your chapter this month


    The Burlington Chapter did not meet in November and will not meet in December.  Looking forward: NCSA President Elect Ron Powell will present the program in January .The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at jholmes.acct@yahoo.com

    Cape Fear

    The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, November 17th at Sammios in Fayetteville with nine in attendance.  The meeting was a double header with NCSA Past President David Rollins speaking on the upgraded NCSA website and Marsha Wheeler speaking on Chapter Promotions.  The chapter is looking forward to its annual social at Duplin Winery in Rose Hill on December 19th including the sold out Down Home Christmas Show.  January Meeting details will be released later. For more information contact Merry Arnett mparnett@embarqmail.com


    The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on November 24th at Sagebrush Steakhouse.  The meeting featured NCSA Past President David Hooker speaking on SSARS 19 Engagements.  The chapter will hold its Christmas party at Sagebrush in Asheboro on Thursday, December 11 along with a food and toy drive, an inspirational speaker will present the program that night.  Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month.  For more information contact Kevin Robinson at kevrob@triad.rr.com


    The Charlotte Chapter held their monthly meeting on November 20th at Captains Galley with chapter member Eli Robles discussing the unique issues in working with Foreign/Alien Clients.  The chapter also announced its annual Christmas party at the home of George and Chris Caesar in the Dilworth neighborhood. The meeting will be a social and members are encouraged to BYOB.  For more information contact Louise Pistole at pistole9@windstream.net


    The Eastern Chapter met on November 25th at Parkers BBQ in Greenville with NCDOR’s Rhonda High providing an NC Tax Update. The December meeting will be a welcoming social for attendees of the Greenville NC State Tax School on December 8th at City Hotel in Greenville.  The January meeting will be a tax season roundtable.   The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month.  For more information contact Ronald Powell at ron@powellaccounting.com


    The Hickory Chapter met on Monday, November 24th at Golden Corral in Hickory with 13 in attendance to hear James Upton speaking on Rental Income Issues. The chapter announced the annual Christmas Party will be on Monday, December 8th at Tripp’s Restaurant in Hickory at 6:00PM and will feature a Dirty Santa exchange. For more information contact Susan Dale Moore at susan@dalesaccounting.com


    The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, November 13th at Sagebrush in Kernersville.  The speaker was Jordan High with ADP.  The chapter will have its annual Christmas gathering on Thursday, December 11 at Sagebrush in Kernersville at 6:30 pm.  Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month.  For more information contact Carol Smith at clstaxes@bellsouth.net


    The Raleigh Chapter will hold a combined November/December meeting which also will serve as the chapter’s annual social on December 9 at Manchester's on Leesville Rd in Northwest Raleigh.  The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  For more information contact Stephen Metelits at metelits@usa.net


    The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met on Tuesday, November 11th at Table on the Green in Pinehurst.  NCSA President Elect Ron Pow- ell spoke on Meeting Your EITC Due Diligence. The chapter will join the Central Chapter on December 11th for their Christmas meeting at Sagebrush in Asheboro.  Upcoming: NCSA Past President Jim Holmes will be the speaker at the meeting in January.  For more information contact Mark Bouchier at mbouchier@mabaccounting.net


    The Western Chapter did not meet in November but will hold a Christmas Party on December 9 at Beef O’Brady’s in Arden at 6:30 pm. The meeting will feature a Chinese Christmas gift exchange.  For more information contact John McKinney at johnm@accuraaccounting.com


    Wilmington Chapter held a planning meeting with chapter president Marie Izzo on Monday, November 24th at McAllister’s Deli on College Rd.  Future meeting details will be announced.  Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information at marie@johnizzocpa.com

    Share news of your chapter with The Accountant, contact James Upton at jamesupton@rtmc.net or by fax to

    (336) 873-7650. We can only report what we have been told, so get those tongues wagging!

  • Wednesday, September 24, 2014 9:17 AM | James P. Upton, III

    The Central Chapter in Asheboro hosted an ACA presentation with Paul Bumgarner, NCSA Past President from Charlotte, on Monday September 22nd.

    The Piedmont Chapter will meet on Thursday, September 25th to discuss Unemployment Issues at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Kernersville at 6:30PM.

    The Burlington Chapter will not meet this month to allow members to attend the Serving A Maturing Nation Seminar in Cary.

    The Hickory Chapter will meet on Monday, September 29th at Golden Corral on Lenoir Rhyne Blvd at 6PM for a meeting on EITC Due Diligence with President Elect Ron Powell as the speaker.


  • Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:15 AM | James P. Upton, III

    The Raleigh Chapter of the North Carolina Society of Accountants will be holding its Sept. meeting as follows:

    Date: Tuesday Sept. 23, 2014

    Time: 6:30 p.m.

    Location: Manchesters Bar & Grill; 9101 Leesville Road; Raleigh, NC 27613

    Tel: 676-1060 or 676-2434

    We will hold an officers' meeting from 6pm - 6:30pm before the regular meeting.

    Rhonda High, Customer Education Officer with the N.C. Dept. of Revenue will be speaking on Upcoming North Carolina Tax Law.

  • Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:12 AM | James P. Upton, III

    The Western Chapter will meet September 30, 2014 at Beef O’Brady’s in Arden, NC. Ron Powell will be presenting the EIC Due Diligence program for members and guests. The October guest speaker will be Dave Trout who will speak on the topic of ACA and Small Business. Location for October’s meeting is yet to be determined.

  • Tuesday, September 09, 2014 10:44 AM | James P. Upton, III

    The Wilmington Chapter will now meet on the 4th Monday of each month at McAllister's Deli at 740 S. College Rd in Wilmington. Read below for a summary of this month's meeting plans:

    Our September program will feature, Ronald Powell, President Elect of NCSA. He will be speaking to us on the topic of Meeting your EITC Due Diligence.

    With the emphasis by the Internal Revenue Service on practitioner's due diligence, this program will explain the current requirements per IRC 6695, record keeping and knowledge requirements and the importance of this program to prevent refund errors. At the completion of the program the preparer will be familiar with Form 8867, Paid Preparer's Earned Income Credit Checklist and the record retention for the form and its supporting documents.

    To see information about other upcoming meetings, check out our page on the NCSA website at www.ncsa1947.org/Wilmington.


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