Chapter News
As another NCSA year comes to a close, your chapters are electing new officers and will be conducting installations soon. What are you doing to spread the word about your society? When you attend CPE classes or other events do you share your positive experiences with NCSA? Do you take time to attend your chapter meeting? If not, why not start now; our chapters are the roots of the society and where the most interaction among members takes place. Read on to see what our chapters have been doing recently.
The Burlington Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Kimbers in Gibsonville. Seven chapter members and two guests were present for a roundtable discussion led by chapter president James L. Holmes. Items discussed included the recent IRS Data Breach in the Get Transcript application. The Burlington chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information about the Burlington chapter contact Jim Holmes at
Cape Fear
The Cape Fear chapter met on Monday, May 18th at The Brass Lantern in Dunn with 19 in attendance. NCSA’s NSA State Director Curt Lee discussed our right to practice as Accountants in North Carolina. The chapter will meet next on June 22nd in Fayetteville with James Upton as the speaker. The chapter normally meets the 1st Monday after the 15th each month. For more information contact Merry Arnett at
The Central Chapter held their monthly meeting on Monday, May 18th at Sagebrush Steakhouse with 18 in attendance. The meeting topic was part 2 of Technology for Today’s Accountant led by NCSA President Elect Ron Powell. The next meeting will be on June 22, 2015 with topic and speak-er to be announced. Central Chapter meets on the 4th Monday of each month. For more information contact Kevin Robinson
The Charlotte Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Captains Galley in Matthews. The chapter welcomed IRS Tax Specialist Evette Davis who presented some IRS General Tax Updates, including Identity Theft, Offers in Compromise, and Employment Tax issues. The Charlotte Chapter normally meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information contact Louise Pistole
The Eastern Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at H & R Block in Greenville. NCSA President Elect Ron Powell presented Part II of Technology for Today’s Accountant. The Eastern chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday each month. For more information contact Ronald Powell at
The Hickory Chapter met on Wednesday, May 27th at Abingdon Glen Village Clubhouse in Hickory. The speaker for this meeting was NSA and NCSA Past President Paul Bumgarner who led a presentation on How ACA affects Employers. The Hickory Chapter normally meets the last Mon-day of each month. For more information contact Susan Dale Moore
The Piedmont Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th for their annual Scholarship Fundraiser and Picnic at Fourth of July Park in Kernersville. NCSA President Elect Ron Powell was on hand to install new officers. The next meeting will be on June 25th at Sagebrush in Kernersville. Piedmont Chapter normally meets on the last Thursday of each month. For more information contact Carol Smith at
The Raleigh Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at Manchesters on Leesville Rd in North Raleigh. NCSA Past President and Raleigh Chapter President Stephen Metelits, spoke on Tangible Property Regulations for Small Business to the 12 in attendance. The next meeting will be on July 28th with topic to be announced. The Raleigh Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. For more information contact Stephen Metelits at
The Sandhills-Sanford Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at Table on the Green in Pinehurst. James Upton spoke on Installment Payment Greements and Form 9465 to the seven members in attendance. The next meeting will be announced. For more information contact Mark Bouchier at
The Western Chapter met on Tuesday, May 26th at the Gondolier Italian Restaurant. NCSA Past President J. R. Lawson spoke on Business Valuation and Dispositions. The next meeting will be on July 28th and include an installation of officers and a Form 1040-Schedule A presentation. For more information contact John McKinney at
The Wilmington Chapter met on Thursday, May 28th at McAlister’s Deli with chapter President Marie Izzo speaking on Bookkeeping Essen-tials-Part I to the ten in attendance. The next meeting will be Monday, June 22nd when Marie Izzo will share part II of Bookkeeping Essentials-The Things Accountants need to teach their clients. Contact Chapter President Marie Izzo for more information
We cannot compile this report without your information. If you have news of your chapter or its members including pho-tos or interesting things that happened at your chapter meeting please email James Upton at or call (336) 873-7690.